Tel Aviv, Israel. A musically ignored place, at least by the metal community í¢äåäóì until now! Roadrunner Records is proud to announce their latest signing, the Israeli band – Betzefer. Thundering double bass, smashing metal’n’roll-riffs and a singer who seems to literally eat his mike í¢äåäóì welcome to the harsh metal world of Betzefer, who initially got together for a high school gig (Betzefer is an ad lib translation of the Hebrew term í¢äåñBeit Haseferí¢äå, meaning í¢äåñschoolí¢äå). í¢äåñOver here our musical style has not often been recognized in the media,í¢äå says guitarist and songwriter Matan Cohen. í¢äåñAlthough Israel is a small country and there are a lot of bands here in the metal scene, bands can’t tour Israel. There are three major cities that everyone will eventually drive to anyway, so there are just 2-4 metal events every month. And still there are so many cliches: as if Metal was something evil and rotten.í¢äå í¢äåñOf course, our country has big political problems í¢äåäóì but our music should help kids to think of something other than what they see on TV every day: we are entertainment!í¢äå states vocalist Avital Tamir. And they are so good that Betzefer are already one of the most popular acts in their home country. Drawing on their influences of Pantera and Sepultura, and produced by Kris Belaen and mixed/mastered by Tue Madsen (The Haunted, Mnemic), Betzefer‘s debut album ‘Down Low’ is a veritable sledge hammer. ‘Down Low’ will be released Europe wide on June 6. However expect a sneak preview on the site in April