It’s time for this years Interactive Music Awards, and Slipknot have landed a nomination for the Best Music DVD with ‘Disasterpieces’! That means they are one of the best-selling Top 20 Music DVDs since September last year! They are up against some major name competition (Led Zeppelin, Queen, Kylie, Bowie, U2, The Beatles, Robbie Williams, Abba, Ronan etc) so help ’em out. Cast your vote for the ‘Knot HERE. Voting is open until the end of November. Vote and you could even win a BT Home Computing PC and 12 months rental of Broadband from BT! The winner and 4 runners up will be announced the night of the Awards, December 2nd. You can also vote for THIS SITE HERE in the IMA’s People’s Choice Award. [you know you love this site]