Wednesday 13 are doing a set of instores to promote their awesome new album “Transylvania 90210:Songs Of Death, Dying, And The Dead”. OUT ON APRIL 11. The instore shall commence at 4pm. If you can’t make it in the day, why not get tickets to one of their UK gig dates, from 11th – 16th? INSTORES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Mon 11 April – HMV Manchester, 90 Market St, Manchester, M1 1PD. Tues 12 April – HMV Brighton, 48 Churchill Square Shopping Centre, Brighton, BN1 2TE. Thurs 14 April – HMV Birmingham, 38 High St , Birmingham, B4 7SL. Fri 15 April – HMV Glasgow, Lewis’ Building, Argyle St , Glasgow, G2 8AD. Don’t forget Wednesday 13 UK TOUR 11-16 APRIL