After their recent crowd-pleasing support slots on the mighty Slipknot & Slayer ‘Unholy Alliance’ tour, HATEBREED return to the UK for their own headline shows in 2005. With their critically acclaimed album, ‘The Rise Of Brutality’ on a few Christmas lists in the wake of that spectacle, Jamey Jasta and his crew will be reminding everyone just how good they are live and stirring up a few circle pits at the following venues Sat 5th Mar í¢äåäóì Leeds Cockpit Sun 6th Mar í¢äåäóì Sheffield Corporation Mon 7th Mar í¢äåäóì Glasgow Garage Tue 8th Mar í¢äåäóì Newcastle Northumbria Uni Wed 9th Mar í¢äåäóì Manchester University MDH Thu 10th Mar í¢äåäóì Dublin Wheelan’s Fri 11th Mar í¢äåäóì Cork Nancy Spain’s Sun 13th Mar í¢äåäóì London Mean Fiddler Mon 14th Mar í¢äåäóì Oxford Zodiac Tue 15th Mar í¢äåäóì Portsmouth Wedgewood Rooms Tickets are on sale now from box offices and all usual online agents, priced í£10 regionally and í£12 in London.