Most Precious Blood have recently finished their short, but very sweet UK tour. Whilst over here we managed to catch up with the band and find out a more about them.
Today we are looking at female guitarist Rachel Rosen. Name: Rachel Rosen Age: old Instrument: guitar All time favourite record: Prince í¢äåäóì Purple Rain Greatest experience on tour: Playing in Finland for the first time. Finding out that starburst in England don’t have gelatine. Most horrible experience on tour: Getting strip searched at the border between Austria and Slovenia in 1997 Most embarrassing moment on stage: At the Underworld 1 í_ years ago I jumped and my foor hit the bars behind the stage and I fell back and slammed into the bars. It hurt. Do you have any sort of ritual before going on stage?: Nothing interesting. I change my shirt. With which band would you love to tour with?: Sisters Of Mercy If I couldn’t be a musician, I would work as: Pathologist assistant doing autopsies Best advice you ever heard: Don’t be a musician Which famous person (alive or dead) would you love to spend some time and why?: Joan Jett í¢äåäóì she seems awesome and was way before her time