So as you know, you can now download the brand new Slipknot song ‘Pulse Of The Maggots’ free from their official site, Here is just a few of your comments, which you emailed us with after hearing the new track. note: if your comment is here, email us again with your full name & address for a free Slipknot badge… and thanks for writing in! “HEY THERE!! THE NEW SLIPKNOT SONG TOTALLY RULES!!!!!!!!! I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT TO DOWNLOAD IT, BUT IT WOULDNT LET ME ON THE DAM SITE!! WHEN I FINALLY MANAGED TO DOWNLOAD IT ABOUT 7.A.M, I JUST HAD TO PLAY IT FULL BLAST AND WAKE UP THE PARENTS!!! IT WAS THAT DAM GOOD I STAYED UP ALL DAY WEDNESDAY LISTENING TO IT, IF THAT ONE SONG IS SO DAM GOOD, I CANT WAIT TO HEAR THE REST OF THE ALBUM, OH MAN… IM DROOLING!” “i just wanna comment on the new slipknot track. i think its absolutely awesome. yeah its different from the older material but it’s still cool. its also a change to hear jim and mick perform their solos, which they couldn’t do with the self titled album and iowa.the intro to pulse of the maggots got my adrenaline running by hearing the siren and as soon as the drums and guitars kicks in, it was hard to describe, i think i was in a world of my own, i really can’t wait to hear the rest of the tracks from subliminal vocals. its gunna be great.” “made sure i didnt listen to it until it was completely downloaded! when the siren kicks in at the start,. BANG! goosepimples all over my body and BANG! my hairs were standing on end, all because i knew the ‘KNOT had returned to us! kewl riffs, coreys singing owns, there back and i as a maggot is as happy as fuck!!!” “OH MY F*CKING GOD!!!!!!! this song rocks, i stayed up all night on the 30th/31st for it to come in on slipknots website to download pulse of the maggots, and i copied it on 2 a blank CD yes 1 CD for just 1 song lol n i put the CD in my stereo n put full bass on n almsot full volume n the plaster on my wall has actually come off, i got a webcam if u want me 2 prove it lol, i have not stopped playing it at all, its drivin the woman next door mad but F*CK it, PULSE OF THE MAGGOTS great song..” “OH MY GOD! After waiting for a glipse of the new material for what seems decades, I was far from let down. “Pulse Of The Maggots” truely shows how each member has been pushed to the limit. This track has been perfected to the finest detail with items such as the introduction of some truely intense guitar solos. Overall this track is truely a maggot’s treat. The track opening brings a cold shiver to your spin and then from there on out you just sit back and enjoy the ride. Without changing their style completely, Slipknot have cleverly taken the old spark and amplified it to bring what I truely believe is musical genius.” “Omg, I downloaded the new Slipknot song yesterday and actually blew my speakers apart. This song didnt deserve just 1 listen, thats probably why I’ve listened to the mp3 so much the system sticks when I click on it. Yet again Slipknot break the average and rip apart the seems of metal music. If ‘Vol 3: The Subliminal Verses’ follows in ‘Pulse of the Maggots’ steps then its gonna be off the shells like a lightening bolt. Jeez, two playings on Radio One, its like a new era of musical talent has opened up with Slipknot. Everytime they change their style ever-so-slightly it becomes even more intoxicating than before. My copy is gonna be pre-ordered as soon as I get my wages in (because I’m poor) and I hope to God it comes early. Road Runner, you are Gods for signing Slipknot. And Slipknot, you are Gods of metal. Another 10 albums please!” “OH MY GOD THAT SH*T SLAYS. I do apolagise for the bad language but it was necessary that track is so brilliant its unreal. i have downloaded the song off the site and oh my god i cant stop listinging to it! If the rest of the album is half as good as this track then the album is gonna rock. cant believe they played pulse of the maggots twice on the rock show but if any song has ever deserved it then this one did.”