Out on the road with Slayer in the USA at the moment, Hatebreed’s singer Jamey Jasta is keeping a diary… check out one of his entries below! Jasta has made another journal entry…. 10/27/2003 5:04:00 PM OK, so on the way to Iowa we all partied on the bus listened to music and shot the shit. Got to bed around 4 am, woke up at the venue pretty hung over and bands were already playing. I had forgotten that it was a fest with a shit load of bands on it and multiple stages. I turned my phone on and there was a message from Sworn Enemy who were already at the venue. Met up with those dudes for a bit, showed them our new video and headed over to the hotel to shower and stuff. Got to the hotel and hit the bar with Frank 3 Gun for some Bloody Mary’s (aka hair of the dog) met some fans who were already partying as well. Shout out to Mangy Bear and crew. Saw Kerry King at the front desk waiting in line for at least 15 minutes behind our bus driver Rick who loves to fuck with people and waste time. It was hilarious, Rick was arguing with the hotel manager about having to show him ID. Because he thinks that someone will steal his identity. Meanwhile Kerry King is late for sound check and is standing in line behind him watching and waiting in disgust. Me and Frank just sat at the bar laughing at the whole situation. Finally Kerry King just slaps money on the counter in front of Rick (our driver) and yells í¢äåñkeep the change assholesí¢äå and stormed out of the hotel. It was classic. I then went up to the room showered and took a quick nap, got up about an hour later and met up with Pauly No Neck from Sworn Enemy in the bar for a beer and then the runner picked us up and headed over to the show. On the way over I talked to Frankie from Slytheren who I had met in Japan when we both played Beast Feast together. Nice kid. It turns out they were on the show along with a bunch of other bands like Anal Blast, Dope, etc. etc. etc. Got back to the bus charged my phone and returned some calls and then I started to warm up for the show. Our set was really fun. There were like 4000 people there and the pit was insane. I guess it was because it was a full moon. The stage sound was a little weird because it was only day two and we were still working out the bugs but we added some songs into the set and the crowd was really responsive to the new songs. Saw a lot of familiar faces from the Quad Cities, Peoria and Des Moines. It was cool to see how many people had traveled for the show. Afterwards I saw UFC fighter Sam Hoger and invited him back to the bus to see our new videos and to check out our CD. Hopefully he’ll come out to his fights to our music and beat someone’s ass! We hung for a bit and then headed over to the 2nd stage to see Sworn Enemy. They ripped it up as usual but Mike their bass player fell during the first song and broke his ankle. I felt real bad for him. He had to play the rest of the set sitting on a stool. He was a trooper though and they sounded great and they crowd loved them. Later that night we would leave to head over to Kansas City. Got to Kansas City, KS in the early am and woke up and went into the venue and had some breakfast. There was absolutely nothing to do around the club so me, Beattie and Frank 3 Gun had the runner girl bring us over into Missouri to this big ass mall. We wanted to find a sports bar that had the Yankees/Red Sox game and I needed to get some sneakers and wrist bands and some other things so it all worked out. Ate some Chinese for lunch, lurked around the mall for a bit and then went over to Ruby Tuesday’s to watch the game. Turns out a bunch of the employees were fans and were headed to the show so we got hooked up with some coffees and drinks and even a CD. Thanx! That was the game that Pedro threw Don Zimmer on the ground and both teams were beefing. The whole bar was in an uproar, it was great. Later on the runner girl came back to pick us up we headed back over the show. It was Arch Enemy’s first show so I wanted to go say what’s up to them and catch their set. They were great and the crowd loved them. We went on afterwards and the stage sound was really good so I thought we had a pretty good set. We had never played that city before (only nearby cities) so it was great to see how many people knew us. I was actually really happy with the show, we threw in í¢äåñHealing To Suffer Again, Under The Knifeí¢äå and some other songs we hadn’t been playing on the Rise Of Brutality 2 tour so that was cool. Hopefully one of these days we’ll get around to jamming with Kerry King at sound check so he can come out and do Final Prayer with us. We’ll see what happens, everyone has been so busy that we haven’t really been sound checking….. Head on over to www.Hatebreed.com and take in the new look website (best viewed with flash player version 7)… The Rise Of Brutality in stores November 3rd with European bonus track.