Yesterday’s 24 hours with Ill Nino’s affable guitarist Jardel Paisante. What time did you get up? “I never know what time I get up.” How much sleep did you get? “Not that much, about 2 or 3 hours.” Who was last out of bunk this morning? “I’m not sure, but I know I was one of the last ones to get up today.” Who snored loudest last night? “Big Ben… the sound guy.” Which is your bunk? “The one that’s got the most stuff in it.” What’s in your bunk? “A lot of shit that I don’t need.” What was for breakfast? “Rice and beans, from a Brazilian restaurant in London.” Did you get a shower? “Not yet. Did you?” How long since the clothes you are wearing got washed? “They’re clean! I just got them out of my bag.” What have you done since you got up? “Walked around the venue, had some coffee, and talked to some friends.” Best thing about the day so far? “The coffee.” Where are you playing tonight/next? Any comments? “In London. The last show of the European tour – and then we’re going home!” What’s on the rider? “I don’t know… who cares.” How much can you drink? “Coffee? I can drink A LOT.” What are your aftershow plans? “Be out.”