Chimaira’s colossal self-titled 3rd album is released on Aug 8th. However if you can’t wait to hear brutality in it’s many beautiful colours (black) then you’ll be glad to here that we have teamed up with a selection of the best metal clubs in the country who are going to be giving Chimaira fans and metal fans alike an exclusive pre-release listen to the new record in its entirety. Each of the clubs will be doing a full album playback on the dates listed below and will be giving out a selection of posters, sticker flyers and wristbands. Dates are as follows: Friday 29th July @ Kerrang Club – Birmingham Saturday 30th July @ Mission – Edinburgh Saturday 30th July @ Civic -Wolverhampton Sunday 31st July @ Teen spirit – Cardiff Tuesday 2nd of August, Ziggys – York Wednesday 3rd of August Po Na Na – Lincoln Thursday 4th August @ Zodiac – Oxford Friday 5th August @ Spiders í¢äåäóì Hull Friday 5th August @ Face/off – Swansea Friday 5th August @Jilly’s Rockworld – Manchester Saturday 6th August: Loaded @ The Krazyhouse í¢äåäóì Liverpool Saturday 6th August Rock City – Nottingham