SOULFLY frontman Max Cavalera recently spoke to Holland’s about the possibility of a reunion with his former SEPULTURA bandmates at some point in the not-too-distant future. Asked about the rumor that a reunited SEPULTURA was in talks several months ago to play this year’s Ozzfest, Max said, “There’s been a lot of rumors. SEPULTURA is one of the most rumored things out there. [Laughs] I talked to my brother [ex-SEPULTURA drummer Igor Cavalera] recently. He has a new son named Antonio, which is my middle name. He says he looks a lot like me. I’ve only seen a picture. I plan to visit him sometime next year. We’re in a very good relationship, which is great, after all this bullshit. Ten yearsí¢äå_ Life is too short to hold [grudges]. So I think in a weird way, God has a way to manage these things and he’s putting it all together now. With or without the reunion í¢äåäó I don’t really care í¢äåäó it’s important that we’re brothersí¢äå_ blood, familyí¢äå_ it’s a great thing. But to tell you the truth, it would be cool to have a reunion. Even my kids wanna see it. My [stepson] Richie is like, ‘Oh, my God, I’ve gottaí¢äå_ I know I saw SEPULTURA, but I was too little, I don’t remember.’ And SEPULTURA has touched so many people. So it would be really, really cool.”
With regards to how a SEPULTURA reunion might affect SOULFLY, Max said, “I think SOULFY [and SEPULTURA] are completely different things. SOULFLY has its own identity and its own vibe. And it will not conflict with SEPULTURA, I don’t think í¢äåäó it’s two completely different things. And touring with BLACK SABBATH last year í¢äåäó I was really inspired. It was so good to seeí¢äå_ Those guys, they hated each other for a long period, and you see that they make up and they go on tour, and theyí¢äå_ I don’t know. You can really see that Ozzy loves BLACK SABBATH. It’s in his blood. He loves [the band]. How can you not? It was inspiring for me. So I think I understand more now why people want to see [a] SEPULTURA [reunion]. It makes more sense now than it didí¢äå_ When we first split up, I was like, ‘No, I’m never doing that shit again. Screw this, I hate this shit,’ but I think different now. It’s working itself [out]. When it happens, it’ll happen, and it’ll be good.”
You can watch‘s entire 10-minute interview with Max Cavalera in Windows Media format at this location. SOURCE: BLABBERMOUTH