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Pirate Ships Of Beef Jerky

Posted on February 12, 2008

So, Killswitch Engage are currently rocking up Japan. Before they left, we pinned down their affable guitarist Adam D for an attempt at a few serious questions… What’s the hardest part about making the new album? When you’re in the middle of a ‘hot track’ and you feel the overwhelming urge to make ‘hot faeces’. You mentioned when we were talking recently that with each KSE album you produce, it gets harder and harder to do. Why is that? Surely it gets easier the more you do? Cause I get drunker and drunker each record. Being a producer, and a musician, you must see both sides of the coin í¢ä‰åäóì does it give you a unique perspective on the music industry? I see twice as much crap than most people in the industryí¢ä‰åŒ_. Oh my life hurts. Actually I stay out of all the industry stuff. It would make me go insane. What do you think makes a good producer? Is it just technical skill, or is creative flair just as important? A good producer should embellish on a bands strengths, and try to eliminate the weaknesses. He should also get the band drunk and laugh when they play really bad. Oh yeah, creative flair is good too. What recent albums do you think are shining examples of excellent production? Most Radiohead records, that Nigel Godricn dude is good at creating scenes. Also I like that Sigur Ros record. As the producer, and a member of the band, what did you look for when choosing who would mix the record? Andy Sneap is pretty much the only dude I trust with that stuff. That dude is a musical janitor… keeping shit clean, keeping shit tight. You’re a self-confessed workaholic. When you’re not touring, you’re producing. When you’re not touring, or producing, you’re writing. Don’t you ever find you want to shout ‘stop the world, I want to get off?’ Naah, I like my shit busy. If I had free time, I’d probably do something stupid, like build a pirate ship from beef jerky. Spending so much time travelling around, working long days, has got to play havoc with a ‘normal’ life outside of the band. Although you have a lot of fans, do you miss it? Adam D needs friends… oh sooo lonely. Hot girls, I need YOU… You are your own worst critic. What is your biggest worry about the new album? That it sucks. Oh, wait… It does. HA HA! How would you say this album is a progression from ‘Alive Or Just Breathing?’ The metal is more ‘METAL’. And the gay melodic bits are more ‘GAY’ and ‘MELODIC’. WEEE! It’s April. And every year we get April Fools Day. What are the best pranks you have ever played, or know of? What is the KSE guide to a great April Fools Day? I pied my mom. I’m gonna pie the bitches in my band when I see them again. Pie-tastic. We’ve just announced the new UK tour in June. Are you looking forward to coming back over here? What are your memories from RoadRage? God, I love it here. Hot curries, brown sauce, chicken and mushroom pies, BEER! Oh yeah, good fans too. Why did you choose Shadows Fall & God Forbid to tour with on your co-headline run with Chimaira? I didn’t choose them! They’re all queer! Gayer than a Springtime Picnic! HA HA, just kidding, they’re all friends so I can say that, except for Shadows Fall. They accept man-seed for show payment. ‘The End Of Heartache’ is released May 10th. You can vote the band as Best International Act in the 2004 Metal Hammer Awards HERE.


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