doubleDrive is five dates into their US tour with Seether and Trapt. So how have the first few dates on the tour been going? í¢äåñGoing good,í¢äå tells frontman Donnie from outside of Bugaboo Creek. The bands are getting along, including a body slamming contest with Seether in the hotel just the other night. This tour run started off with a 18-20 hour drive to the first show, and since then has featured drives late at night after each show until 5, 6am the next morning. Some words from along the way: Show 1 í¢äåäóì The Chance in Poughkeepsie, NY. Poughkeepsie was great. Rock is ALIVE. Show 2 – Clarkston University in Pottsdam, NY. Played inside their hockey arena…actually surprised to see so many doubleDrive fans…people singing alongí¢äå_ Show 3 í¢äåäóì Mulcahy’s in Wantaugh, NY. Just us and Seether that night, very enjoyable show and pizza. Looser kinda show for both bands…chilled and hung out with crowd a lot. A lot of drinks. Show 4 í¢äåäóì Crocodile Rock in Allentown, PA. Club owner was amazing, fed everyone a 2, 3 course meal. Now that’s down home… Show 5 í¢äåäóì Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel in Providence, RI. Providence last night…why can’t I see that club? I was just there last night? í¢äå_some more thinking… Ahhh, Lupo’s was great. They (the fans) all wanted to rock pretty good. They (the fans) brought a good thing into the room with them. Great time with that last night… í¢äåñI think we’ll be coming back to all these places,í¢äå Donnie adds. í¢äåñThis tour has a great vibe to it.í¢äå That brings us to today. After a morning doing some press via phone with a cat in Italy (with hoarse morning voice), the band went over to WAAF for an on air interview with Mistress Carrie. They played some acoustic tracks (í¢äåñImprint,í¢äå í¢äåñBig Shove,í¢äå and í¢äåñFreightrainí¢äå í¢äåäóì the last song which they just worked up the acoustic version earlier in the day)… í¢äåñCarrie accommodated us and our desire to hear some Priest (Judas Priest), playing ‘The Hellion’ and ‘Electric Eye’ back to back on the airí¢äå…And at some point during the on air interview, apparently Donnie was singing W.A.S.P. acapello, and he and Troy (guitar) even played the beginning of Queensryche’s í¢äåñTake Hold Of The Flame.í¢äå At the end of it all, they were on the air for 2 hours. A day that started with morning voice and culminating with Geoff Tate’s (Queensryche) í¢äåñTake Hold Of The Flameí¢äå scream. doubleDrive Blue In The Face in stores April 28th