MONDAY DECEMBER 9TH ROCK CITY NOTTINGHAM ENGLAND PRE SHOW ACTIVITIES-The name of this venue is called Rock City, not be confused with Bop City By Shotgun Messiah, Or Trash City from Kik Tracee, or Action City by Tigertailz….just plain Rock City. The day started early for me about 1pm, I decided to walk around a do some Christmas shopping and it was so fucking cold it was like a “Russian Winter”. We had soundcheck at 5 and then press that took us up until it was time to get dressed for the show. We very rarely do laundry while we are on tour outside the USA so our stage clothes are starting to smell like a sack full of assholes. We got dressed and put on our make-up(or Marilyn Manson identity as some have called it) and hit the stage. THE SHOW- Over 800 kids showed up to see our ugly asses and we did not disappoint them at all. These shows just keep getting better and better. We had no technical difficulties and it was just Good, Clean, Fun like Celebrity Skin. THE AFTERSHOW- The aftershow took place in a bar downstairs. A lot of our fans were waiting around to meet us but the most interesting group of people I met were the ones who knew about my obsession with all the 80/90s bands. We talked about bands and Metal Sludge all night. One guy in particular was so bitter about the music today he was just like “Fuck Nu-Metal…these kids dont know rock n roll”….then and he said to me “you dont know rock n roll either”. I said “name a band motherfucker and i’ll tell you anything about them”…he says “Roxx Gang”? So I ask him “what do you wanna know, the track listing from their album or the band members names?” So I unloaded on his ass and he was just floored with my knowledge on all those bands. Then he said it “I was the drummer for the Tattooed Love Boys,” so we sang songs from that album and the night just went on forever it seemed. This was a fun night for conversation and I think I heard Stevie Rachelles name about 50 times. We wrapped things up around 2am and said goodnight….till next time” shoot down the night”!!! Thanks to Metal-Sludge.