Who is… ILLDISPOSED Name: Bo Summer Age: around 30 (25 if you’re a girl) Instrument: Subwoofer All time favourite record? Black Celebration – Depeche Mode Greatest experience on tour? We forgot our former manager at a gas station on the Auto bahn and just drew away in the bus – maan he was and still is the biggest jerk on earth. Most horrible experience on tour? Had to take a dump in a plasticbag once in Paris, the bus-toilet didn’t work. Not normally a problem, but it was at a metro station and maybe 40 people were looking. Most embarrassing moment that ever happened to you on stage? I slipped in my guitarists puke once, and fell off stage – he puked a lot back in the days… Do you have any sort of ritual before going on stage? Besides heavy drinking – none With which band would you love to tour with and why? Wargasm (US), we toured all over Europe with them in ’93 and they are still the funniest guys I’ve ever met on tour. If I wouldn t be a musician, I would work as… a Pimp – ey o weyh Best advice you ever heard? Don’t drink that beer – It’s full of cigarettes. With which famous person (alive or dead) would you love to spend some time and why? Elvis – cause I look just like him 7 minutes before he died. Last Words: I hope to see a lot of new people when we play live again, we’re always in for a good time during, and after we’ve played.