Walls Of Jericho split with drummer Alexei, announce new drummer Dustin. “So to dispell any weird rumors it’s best to just say right here and now that we have officially split with our drummer Alexei. We have received quite a few emails and messages asking as to why things are they way they are. Well all I will say is that it’s personal differences and we will leave it at that. But, so that things are very clear and easy to understand, everyone should know that our split has nothing to do with straight edge or anything edge related. It seems to be the popular reference going around. However, we are not a straight edge band. Our new drummer is not straight edge. And in no way would any of that matter one bit. We feel the split to be a fairly mutual thing and of course hope the best for Alexei in the future. He is an amazing drummer and should have no problems getting into another band without any troubles. It seems to already be out in the local news so we are also going to officially welcome Dustin, former Premonitions Of War drummer into the WOJ family. He has been great friends with us for the better part of a decade now and he is absolutely amazing. He is also a decent drummer which helps out a bit too. Premonitions Of War have also announced their new drummer and it’s awesome that we can still all go on tour with Dustin in our camp and them on the tour. I guess in the end the core is really all about just being friends and hanging out. On that note all should know that we are working hard and preparing for the upcoming tour with Bury Your Dead, Full Blown Chaos, and Premonitions Of War. It’s going to be an amazing tour and we are expecting to have more fun than anything we have ever been a part of. All of the bands are very good friends of ours and the whole tour was set up with that in mind. We want to hang out with our friends and laugh quite a bit. What better way then out on the open road. Well that should do it for now. Hopefully this will help to curb some early rumors as to what people say however in the end it’s more fun to gossip and talk shit. Hell that’s the best part of the internet right? Yep.” Mike / WOJ