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Time To Rock

Posted on February 12, 2008

By the powers of the internet, we had a quick chat online this morning with Chris & Matt from Chimaira, all the way over in Japan, 90 minutes before they were due to play a show in Nagoya. RR: Hey! Matt, Chimaira: Hello! Chris, Chimaira: Hey! What’s up? RR: Where are you, right this second? Matt, Chimaira: In Nagoya, Japan right now, sharing a hotel room w/ Chris. Chris, Chimaira: Wireless connection in our hotel room. We play in 90 minutes. RR: How is it going over there? Matt, Chimaira: It’s been awesome. Chris, Chimaira: It’s pretty cool, Tokyo is awesome. The people here are so welcoming, and RR Japan is super nice too. We are pampered here …I love it! RR: So, tour food this trip. Have you eaten Japanese food, or did you go to a McDonalds? Chris, Chimaira: I’ve eaten Japanese food… love it. Handy if someone is around to tell me what it is though. I only had McDonalds once. Last night every single one of us went to a Korean grill… they bring meat, veggies out and you cook it yourself at the table, you get rice and stuff to mix with it. RR: Cool. What are the fans like at the shows? Same as here? Chris, Chimaira: Not as much moshing, our Japanese fans like to chant along with the songs more. In between songs there’s complete silence from the crowd tho, kinda crazy. Everyone is really intelligent and pays attention to what’s going on. It’s hard to really explain but they are insane! And there is still some crowd-surfing, even though it’s not like the USA or Europe. Japan watches more than they move, whereas in Europe there’s tons of action on the floor. Plus the first two or three rows in Japan are all girls. We get guys in business suits at our shows too. We had some fans show up at our hotel… and it was these guys in business suits walking up to us for autographs. RR: Very different then huh? And now, only a few more shows and you get to go home eh?! Chris, Chimaira: Yep… 6. One here in Japan (soon!) and then 5 in Australia. Matt, Chimaira: I’m glad we’re touring here and Australia, it’s an awesome way to end being on the road for a year and a half. I am looking forward to getting home to my baby & my bed after though! RR: Did you get to see any of Japan this trip? Chris, Chimaira: Last night Matt and I took a cab to this area in Tokyo… where all the buildings are covered in lights. It’s kinda the shady part of town but we wanted to take pics as it looks cool as hell! RR: Why covered in lights? Early for Christmas? Chris, Chimaira: Ha, no, it’s all adverts I think. [See Chris’s photos HERE & HERE.] But it’s also an area full of hookers, gangs…etc. RR: So this is why you REALLY went there…! Chris, Chimaira: Hahah no.. you know I’m not like that! Pretty cool though, huh? We also saw the biggest intersection in the world. [See Chris’s photo HERE.] RR: Very cool. So is this all around Tokyo? Chris, Chimaira: Yea all Tokyo… it’s huge. I’m a good tour guide?! RR: Yes, good job. How’s your new drummer taking to it all? Chris, Chimaira: He’s loving it. He’s up every night, partying fucking hard. He’s never been over here before. He’s a crazy one, but super nice. If he tries to be a pest, he’ll soon learn once we smack him around! Matt, Chimaira: It has been cool touring w/ Kevin, everyone seems more energized, even when feeling pretty burnt after so long on the road. RR: Looking forward to seeing Australia next? You’ve never been there right? Never seen a koala? Matt, Chimaira: No, we’ve never been. I hear the crowds are crazy so it should be fun! Chris, Chimaira: I plan on seeing as much as possible. I have some family who recently moved to Melbourne. I can’t wait to see stuff like the Opera House etc. RR: Any last words? Chris, Chimaira: It’s time to rock!


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