We thought it’d be fun to have the Roadragers interview eachother…. Questions, decided by the interviewer. Limited to three. Answers, given by another Roadrager… either chosen by the interviewer, or selected at random. Part 1 Interviewer: Jonny Santos (Spineshank) Interviewee: Mark Hunter (Chimaira) 1) How does it feel being the front man of the fastest rising nu-metal sensation? “It’s a lot like cooking dog for dinner. You know all about how both feel, right? It’s unfortunate that you lead the fastest sinking nu-metal sensation. I think that you’re just jealous that Asians are equipped with about an inch of man power eh buddy?!” 2. Describe your life as a post-op transexual? “I think you’re confusing me with our bass player. He is the one who spends an hour in the shower, combs his hair for 2 hours, and looks like he is wearing eye shadow!” 3. Have Manowar sued you for stealing their riffs yet? “Yes they have, much like Orgy sued you… and KoRn… and System… and Stabbing Westwood… and all the other nu-metal sensations that sued you guys! [much laughing follows]