To celebrate the release of DEVILDRIVER – THE FURY OF OUR MAKER’S HAND – OUT JUNE 27th we are running club nights all over the country. This is a great oppotunity to listen to the whole album as well as getting your hands on some filthy swag, including posters and stickers. So pull some mates together and join us at some of the following venues. The dates are as follows: Thursday 17th June í Birmingham í¢äåñKerrang Clubí¢äå @Subway City Thursday 23rd June í Nottingham Rock City Friday 24th June í London í¢äåñRockí¢äå @Mean Fiddler í Swansea í¢äåñFace Offí¢äå @Escape Saturday 25th June í Edinburgh í¢äåñMissioní¢äå @Studio 24 í Newcastle í¢äåñRockí¢äå @The Arena í Liverpool í¢äåñK2í¢äå @The Krazy House í Manchester @Jilly’s Rock World REMEMBER: DEVILDRIVER – THE FURY OF OUR MAKER’S HAND – OUT JUNE 27th