Download 2004 through the eyes of Cradle Of Filth frontman Dani: “I managed to see a few more bands than last time we were here in 2002, as our backstage area was right behind the main stage. I was surprised to see Opeth first. Didn’t know they were playing today? Great band. Monster Magnet got the crowd going and then it was our turn. í¢äåñWe are never really sure what the fans are going to be like at something as big as this but for the thousands that were upfront chanting our name before we hit the stage it really helped pump up our adrenaline. As soon as the backdrop is lowered the fans really know we are only a few minutes away from appearing in the flesh. Bar the few technical hiccups, we hit stage like a bomb, opening with ‘Promise of Fever’ followed by ‘Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids’. í¢äåñThen we treated our fans to the new track ‘Gilded Cunt’, which seemed to go down great. ‘Ghost in the Fog’ was the crowd pleaser and to finish was something we made a point of. WE ARE the most extreme band on the bill on a day like this, so why try be something we are not? ‘Ebony Dressed for Sunset’ was selected instead of ‘Cradle to Enslave’ and we finished the set with ‘The Forest Whispers my Name’. Two older, more extreme tracks that really emphasised us as being the black sheep of the day. A position we and our fans love and revel in. Oh, and this time there was no rain cloud. A great day for us and all.”