Have you read the recent answers from Cam from 3 Inches Of Blood in the Ask The Artist section yet? He’s just sent over a few more… Jon asks: What kind of warmups do you do before a show? A cold bottle of water is good. I just gargle it like mouthwash and it loosens up the phlegm. Jason asks: Why 2 singers? Saw you guys perform in Des Moines with Metal Church, one of the best shows I have seen in a long time. Keep Rocking! No reason really. It was just something everyone wanted to try out when they asked me to join the band. No one had any expectations of what it would sound like. James asks: How in the name of all that is holy do you manage to hit those high notes, and do you have any special tricks for beginning vocalists? I’m no expert in the matter because I’ve never taken vocal lessons. I just sing along to my favorite albums and attempt to do what they’re doing. Gargling with cold water before a show helps me warm up. Edward asks: What’s your opinion on your “New Guard of Metal” contemporaries such as Vehemence and If Hope Dies? I don’t really have an opinion. I’m not too familiar with Vehemence. We’ve played with If Hope Dies and they’re a good band. Otherwise I’ve never heard the term “new guard of metal” before. Jake asks: As a musician, starting out, what advice can you give about writing your own music and getting it heard? Play shows in your home town fairly often for a while to build up your chops as a live band. Eventually you should aim for playing most of your shows out of town because ultimately it’s the fans in other cities that will appreciate you more than your home town will. Trent asks: My balls hurt…..why? Sounds like they need to be serviced. Don’t let it go untreated.