Who is … CALIBAN (part 2). Name? Patrick Grí_n Age? 29 Instrument? Drums All time favourite record? Slayer í¢äåäóì Reign In Blood, and of course Seeed í¢äåäóì Music Monks. Fantastic album!!! Greatest experience on tour? I don’t really have one. It’s always great to see that people come to our shows to rock with us. I believe you can’t get more respect or acknowledgement as a musician. Most horrible experience on tour? On my first tour I had caught a cold. The doctor gave me antibiotics, to which I had an allergic reaction. With a rash and the shivers I had stay in the bus for 8 more days. In addition to that I had to rub a super-stinky cream into my skin to get rid of that rash. I imagined it a little different, but shit happens. Most embarrassing moment that ever happened to you on stage? The evening before I drank too much and the result was that I puked over my set during the show. Not a beautiful sight at all! Do you have any sort of ritual before going on stage? Not really. I try to stay sober, do my warm-up exercises (yeah I know – sounds strange but it has to be done). 30 minutes before the show I like to be alone to get some rest/chill out so I can give 100%. With which band would you love to tour with? Slayer!! I don’t care if it sounds crappy or if you wouldn’t have much fun as support (because of the Slayer fans that just come to see Slayer). It would be really great. If I couldn’t be a musician, I would work as… Shit! I’d propably be a wholesale trader in some company. Fortunately it didn’t happen. Best advice you ever heard? Tie your shoes, otherwise you will fall down (that’s nuts!!!) With which famous person (alive or dead) would you love to spend some time and why? I’d like to talk to different pop-starlets and ask them why they have to be such assholes. What’s one thing you would like to achieve in life? I want to lay back, look back on my life and see that I did everything right. Last Words: Believe in your goals and fight for them. Don’t let all those apes out there change you and don’t let them tell you that something isn’t feasible.