Ever wonder what an A&R Rep does all day? The duties are grueling and endless and include the following…the following being an email sent out by Roadrunner’s VP of A&R yesterday, an email actually titled “I Love To Say Fuck.” Oh, it’s true…Monte’s “I Love To Say Fuck” email reads as follows: “According to my count, Murderdolls, in their new song ‘I Love To Say Fuck’ (which will debut on the European ‘White Wedding’ single), use the word the word fuck 81 times over the course of the 4:27 length of this soon-to-be-classic. That’s almost 20 fucks per minute. Is that a world record? I am proud to count this fuck-fest amongst my legacy of RR firsts and general cool accomplishments. Fuckin’ A.” An A&R Rep’s work is never done…