WALLS OF JERICHO have posted this studio update on their official myspace blog. “so we finally finished the record. its pretty freakin sweet i do have to say. i was a bit skeptical goin in to be honest but i think its mostly cause all we have done for the last 5 or 6 months is work on these songs so its impossible to have an open opinion. but back to the matter at hand. we just want everyone to know its done and we are extremely happy with the outcome and to say over and over again how happy we were to work with both ben schigel producing and eric rachel mixing. its been a wondeful experience. thank you guys. so dont forget we start our first tour in over 6 months in early may. i think its gonna be pretty sweet. we are definately excited and we will be playing a couple/few new songs on the tour so this would be a good chance to get a sneak peak at some new jams. ok, we’ll keep you all posted as more comes about. send us some love. we are feeling pretty lonely sitting at home all alone and bored. haha.”