Name? Jakob Batten Age? 27 Instrument? Lead guitar All time favourite record? Metal: Megadeth: Rust In Peace Non-metal: A-ha: Scoundrel Days Greatest experience on tour? Probably when I banged some groupie in a hotel room somewhere in Germany. The room had 3 beds, in the bed to the right of me was the girl I nailed earlier that day asleep. In the bed to the left was Mr. Bo Summer í¢äåäóì talking dirty to me and telling me what I should do to the groupie. Most horrible experience on tour? We headlined a festival in the Czech Republic. I got extremely drunk on low-budget-vodka and fell asleep. I was thrown out of bed 20 minutes before our show and I couldn’t stand up. I vomitted twice on stage and we played our worst show ever. People there were pissed off. In a way it wasn’t horrible, it was pretty funny í¢äåäóì at least afterwards. Most embarrassing moment that ever happened to you on stage? Playing in a blue dress with flowers on it in Berlin. It was so short that the audience could see everything. And I guess I’m not the biggest animal in the forest….. Do you have any sort of ritual before going on stage? Nope, just the beers and the booze. With which band would you love to tour with and why? That girl band who have sex with their fans. Don’t remember the name of the band, but maybe I’d get lucky. If I wouldn t be a musician, I would work as… Nude photographer Best advice you ever heard? Cut your hair í¢äåäóì you look like David Crockett. With which famous person (alive or dead) would you love to spend some time and why? Someone with heavy hooters and a wide behind. Maybe that new Russian tennis babe í¢äåäóì if she had some implants first. Last Words: Buy our new album í¢äåäóì It rocks more than anything ever rocked before!!!!!!