Name? Mike Tyson Age? 25 Instrument? Bass All time favourite record? Pixies í¢äåäóì Doolittle Greatest experience on tour? Touching Slash at a festival in Belgium Most horrible experience on tour? Getting all our shit stolen Most embarrassing moment on stage? Standing beside Dustin every night Do you have any sort of ritual before going on stage? Drink three beers and stretch With which band would you love to tour with? Dredge, Muse, Deftones If I couldn’t be a musician, I would work así¢äå_ Beer taster or movie previewer Best advice you ever heard? Get over yourself With which famous person (alive or dead) would you love to spend some time with and why? Kirstin Dunst because I love her REMEMBER Hopesfall are on tour until the 25th May. CLICK HERE for full tour dates.