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Posted on February 12, 2008

Last week saw the release of Calibans latest album The Undying Darkness. To find out more about the release why not check out the ECARD. In the meanwhile we have part 5 of an indepth Q&A with the band. Name? Marc G퀌_rtz Instrument? Guitar How were the recording sessions for the new album? It was exhausting yet exciting to hear what the songs sound like when recorded. Word associations: Caliban í¢ä‰åäóì Has a lot of things to do, such as filling out this survey. Music í¢ä‰åäóì Life Simpsons í¢ä‰åäóì Family Guy (in english only) and Futurama the best cartoon. Denis – Chaotic (frequently used phrase: í¢ä‰å_I feel sickí¢ä‰åñ). Marc í¢ä‰åäóì Too much of a perfectionist. Marco í¢ä‰åäóì Even more chaotic (frequently used phrase í¢ä‰å_Ultra binge eatingí¢ä‰åñ) Patrick í¢ä‰åäóì Oh no, I am not gonna say anything í¢ä‰åŒ_ haha. Anders Friden í¢ä‰åäóì Great voice. Roadrunner í¢ä‰åäóì Miep miep! Cheese – Can’t live without it í¢ä‰åŒ_ Juice – Passion fruit. Internet – Destroys relationships. “The Undying Darkness” í¢ä‰åäóì Extreeeeeeeeeeemely cool! 🙂 Sport í¢ä‰åäóì What? Don’t know what that is í¢ä‰åŒ_ Videogames í¢ä‰åäóì Who’s gonna give me the new PS3? Beer í¢ä‰åäóì Gross! Robbie Williams – Great entertainer Hardcore í¢ä‰åäóì Porn or music? Tokyo Hotel í¢ä‰åäóì Been to a hotel in Tokyo. Very expensive. Live-Shows í¢ä‰åäóì Absolutely Spongebob – Whenever I see this creature I have to puke! It reminds me of the the guys at fairs who sell lots and yell í¢ä‰å_Great prizes, winí¢ä‰åŒ. Has your life changed since you have become a German rock star? It’s a lot of work for not as much money as people think I might be making. I don’t have a house yet í¢ä‰åŒ_ hehe. What’s the first thing you do after waking up in the morning? Take a leak. Your favorite joke? I don’t like jokes in general. Only one and I am not gonna tell it. 🙂 Your favorite website other than calibanmetal.com and roadrunnerrecords.co.uk? Onlinebrothel Myspace. Best 2005 Album? Arch Enemy í¢ä‰åäóì Doomsday Machine. Best 2005 movie? Saw and Star Wars Episode 3. Best 2005 TV show? I rarely watch TV, so none í¢ä‰åŒ_ What got on your nerves the most in 2005? A lot of things í¢ä‰åŒ_ I can’t decide. Your favorite animal? Cats Your favorite plant? Rubber plants í¢ä‰åŒ_ my cats always destroy the other ones. Longest time you have ever been awake nonstop? No clue í¢ä‰åŒ_ quite long. We had a í¢ä‰åñLord of the Ringsí¢ä‰åŒ special edition night and started at night, so naturally it was pretty long. If you had to live on a secluded island for 5 years, which 3 things would you bring along? And why? I only need one: A gun! Haha! Complete the following sentences: Caliban rocks because í¢ä‰åŒ_ this is a stupid question. I watched “Titanic” in the theater because í¢ä‰åŒ_ women… Singers are all í¢ä‰åŒ_ not musicians, ahhahahahaha. Guitarists are allí¢ä‰åŒ_ too ambitious (most of them anyways). Drummers are all í¢ä‰åŒ_ totally crazyí¢ä‰åŒ_ALL OF THEM!!! You can ask any of the other bandmembers í¢ä‰åŒ_ any band will confirm that! Hehe Bassists are all í¢ä‰åŒ_ chaotic (the ones’ I know at least). Coffee or tea? Iced coffee. Are you superstitious? Nope. Why did you get into music? Metallica. When you were 16 did you expect to be what you are now at 28? Never thought about it back then. What does a day in your life without Caliban look like? Doesn’t exist right now. Too much to do. Normally, I meet up with friends, go to the movies and grab some food. The usual í¢ä‰åŒ_ Construct a sentence containing the following words: Caliban, hell, Saturday, tiger claw & tasty. Hehe, I am no good at these things í¢ä‰åŒ_ who comes up with stuff like this? B퀌_r, that was you, wasn’t it? Have you ever cancelled band practice because you didn’t feel like it? What was your excuse? Of course í¢ä‰åŒ_ the easiest one was/is í¢ä‰åŒ_í¢ä‰åŒnot in the mood/don’t feel like ití¢ä‰åŒí¢ä‰åŒ_ 🙂 Which song from your new record do you like best? Tough to say but one of them would definitely be í¢ä‰å_Together Aloneí¢ä‰åñ. Do you believe in conspiracy? No Are you a neat freak? Now I am í¢ä‰åŒ_ used to be different. Which CD is currently playing in your CD-player? Bleeding Through í¢ä‰åäóì The Truth. Can you cook? Do you enjoy it? Yes and yes. My favorites are Indian and Thai. On which things do you like to spend your money on? DVD퉌Çs!!!!!! Although í¢ä‰åŒ_ I’ve already done that. Is there anything you always wanted to do but never dared to? Not that I know of í¢ä‰åŒ_ Is there anything you are ashamed of but are afraid of telling anyone? Not really í¢ä‰åŒ_ REMEMBER: Caliban – The Undying Darkness – OUT NOW


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