The Murderdolls are currently touring the UK… arriving just a couple of days ago. are publishing Wednesday 13’s tour diary through the dates, and here’s his first entry. The flight- So we flew from Chicago to the UK, which was a 8 hr flight. It was a usual flight for us surrounded by screaming babies, retards and guys that look like potential terrorists. We flew coach, which was tight and cramped especially our drummer the Ghoul who is fucking 8 feet tall, you’d think the big wigs in label-land would fly us first class. It was a long restless flight but we finally arrive in London at 10:30 in the morning. The tour bus- Holy shit…I’m not lying we have a pink fucking bus. It looks like a Malibu Barb tour bus…people who called us fags before will definitely do it now. This looks like the Tigertailz custom bus. The show- We played in Wolverhampton England and were greeted on arrival by a shitload of our fans at 2 in the afternoon. Now the fact that we have a pink bus is hard enough but some kids found it cool to write all over our bus with a fucking sharpie. Now we have a pink bus with fucking graffiti. Well, minus the bus incident the show was fucking great 800 kids singing every single word to our dumb 3 chord songs. I always scout the audience hoping I’d see someone from Wrathchild UK, Tigertailz, or Zodiac Mindwarp. I actually heard that Roky Shades from Wrathchild UK was at our first London show…and just think he could have signed my copy of Stakk Attak…oh well maybe one day… until then I’ll just be happy w/ my Tuff autograph poster. Aftershow- Typical aftershow shit, we get cleaned up, eat, drink, break shit, and talk to the fans. I passed out around 3:00 am… Until next time I’m outta here like Contrabands career… Ps: why didn’t you ask the SR71 guy about their drummer being in Childs Play? I’m not part of the rat race. If you wanna see what you’re missing, make sure you check out the Murderdolls VIDEO page for 2 exclusive live video clips of the Murderdolls on their previous dates here with Papa Roach.