WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION US TOUR! Machine Head. Arch Enemy. God Forbid. Yeah, you read that right. Machine Head, Arch Enemy and God Forbid will be hitting the road together this Spring for the “Weapons of Mass Destruction” tour, a monster outing that is currently set to attack most major U.S. cities in its path starting this April and continuing on into May. Following their successful European tour in support of their new album, “Through The Ashes Of Empires”, Machine Head will be out in support of the North American release of the record, due out April 20th. “It’s great to have a band like Arch Enemy, that’s not only one of my favorite bands, but are one of the best metal bands out right now,” exclaims Machine Head drummer Dave McClain, adding “and God Forbid is a great new band with a killer new album, and I can’t wait to see them tear it up on tour.” Stay tuned for confirmed dates and news on this beast of a tour…