An email from Rob Barlow… who attended the Oct 8th Unholy Alliance show in London. “I just got back from the Unholy Alliance tour before the gig it was a long 2 hour wait to get in after missing the 1st act as soon as I sat down it was on to Hatebreed! Hatebreed: For a band I never heard before they was awesome they had me head banging all the way though there set, before I heard them I was like yeah don’t expect me to be doing anything just sitting there, but damn they got involved with the crowd and that’s always a nice thing, my 1st time seeing/hearing Hatebreed and I can now say I am a big fan of their music! Slayer: Well I heard Slayer before and wasn’t much of a Slayer fan but I got involved head banging all the way, Slayer didn’t get involved that much with the crowd but their music was awesome after what seemed a 2 hour set they played raining blood the only song I do like of their’s then they finished, I quickly ran to the toilet and got back in time for slipknot. SLIPKNOT: Long time fan 1st time seeing them, purely amazing, always getting involved with the fans, the music was amazing, I cant remember the whole list of songs they did but I was blown away after head banging for hatebreed & slayer my neck was literally broken but how can I not head bang for my favorite band?. Duality was amazing live, that was the best song they did all night! After spit it out Corey Taylor said thank you good night! Quite a few fans walked out but the ones who stayed kept clapping and shouting Slipknot as loud as they could my legends soon came back on stage and did (sic) then finished with Surfacing. This was my 1st gig ever and im happy it was I got to see Hatebreed (who I now love) and I got to see slipknot (who I love even more) but it was till after the gig I felt stupid, waiting for 2 hours hoping to see slipknot, Joey walked out and said Hello to me I replied “Hey you know when slipknot might be coming out?”, he laughed at me and said who he was I was gob smacked and felt so stupid, I got a picture with him that I will soon be getting framed and put on my wall Thank You Hatebreed, Thank You Slayer & THANK YOU SLIPKNOT!!!!!!”