Type O Negative members Johnny Kelly and Kenny Hickey, along with Dust to Dust’s Rob Traynor, announce the name of their new band…SKYND. This name has been chosen to identify the collaboration of these three musicians. SKYND are currently in Traynor’s studio writing and recording material for their upcoming demo. Announcement of the name comes during the break of Type O Negative’s “Life Is Killing Me” U.S tour which featured Dust to Dust joining them for a handful of Tri-State shows with Lacuna Coil. SKYND should be making their live debut this winter in the New York area. “Can two assholes share a microphone without driving each other crazy?” asks Kenny prior to breaking into the Odd Couple theme. Current songs include “Numb”, “Broken Sky” and “Drown.” The bands official site skynd.com should be up in the next month or so. www.typeonegative.net