Today, three Roadrunner bands will be making their way to the UK – Chimaira, Ill Nino, Spineshank. The occasion? Road Rage 2003 tour in Europe. All three bands will be touring together over the course of the next month, meanwhile back stateside, touring plans are being worked out for each upon their return. Of course, once plans are confirmed, we will let you know. Cleveland to Detroit. Detroit to London. Whose travel plans are those above? If you guessed Cleveland’s finest, you are correct. Of course, we speak of Chimaira. Tells Chimaira’s Chris Spicuzza, “we depart Wednesday night, 7pm. Cleveland to Detroit…Detroit to London.” What else does he tell before the trip? We asked him 10 questions. All to be answered without hesitation. They go as follows (and we hope you enjoy): do note, interview carried out by our US office in NY Roadrunner Records – True or False (and explain answer): Real men only get tattoos on their forearm. Chris Spicuzza – False. Real men get tattoos on their necks. I watched Jason Hager (ex-guitarist) go through some serious pain on his. RR – Favorite part about coming to the UK? 1) Fried everything, 2) The rain, 3) Beer served at room temperature, 4) Telling people on the flight over who have never been, that ALL chicks are hot like Elizabeth Hurley. CS – #4. because I can’t deal with the other 3. RR – Pork rinds, Vernors, and a Dodge, or Potato chips, Schweppes, and a Chevy? Explain. CS – The options suck here…. Chipotle (see website,, Water, and a Lexus is what you’re getting. RR – Cricket vs Baseball, which sport could you actually see yourself caring about? CS – Baseball. I don’t understand Cricket, but I know David Boon rocks that shit. RR – US punk vs Brit Punk, which is better? CS – Slayer RR – discuss the merits of Fried vs Broiled. CS – Slayer RR – Tea or coffee? CS – Beer… preferably Michelob Ultra RR – If the Rolling Stones were from the US, would their success have been the same? Likewise, if Aerosmith were from the UK, would their success have been the same? CS – Makes no difference to me. I’m sure the results would be the same. RR – If you were stranded in the UK for one month, name five essential items you’d want to have. CS – air conditioning, ICE COLD beer, cell phone, laptop, high speed internet RR – Favorite album that has come out this year? And will you have it with you in the UK? CS – Deftones. Deftones is my favorite so far this year. Luckily I have my trusty Ipod for listening pleasure. Choosing which CDs to bring on tour took hours. Godspeed gentlemen. Have a great time in Europe. And Chris, we thank you for your time.