POISON THE WELL ‘TEARS FROM THE RED’ Out: October 25 Poison the Well’s delicate interludes nestled deep inside the belly of bludgeoning slabs of devastatingly brutal metallic fury and insightful lyrical prose delivered through harsh bellowing balanced by melodious singing has set the standard for contemporary Metalcore bands the world over. Not since the heyday of genre standard bearers Snapcase and more recently, New Found Glory, has a band bubbled forth from the underground with the ability to appeal to fans of emotive indie rock, hardcore pit monsters, diehard metal heads, and the more artistically minded set alike. For fans of Thursday, From Autumn To Ashes, Hopesfall. Tracklisting: 1.Botchla 2.Lazzaro 3.Turn Down Elliot 4.Ring From Corona 5.Moments Over Exaggerate 6.Horns & Tails 7.Sticks & Stones Never Made Sense 8.Pieces Of You And Me 9.Karsey St 10.Parks And What You meant To Me. Bonus video: ‘Botchla’