If you’d have ventured out to Oxford Street, London last night you would have been greeted by over 2000 maggots, hungry to meet their idols Slipknot. Last night, at the stroke of Midnight, Virgin opened it’s doors to start selling Vol 3: (The Subliminal Verses) as the day turned from the 23rd to the 24th of May, and Slipknot themselves were in attendance to sign copies (of which over 1,000 were sold in under 3 hours) for their fans. Many maggots slept on the streets in order to guarantee meeting their idols (with some getting there as early as Friday night) and as you walked down the queue, many a mask and boiler suit could be seen. Tonight, Slipknot play the London Astoria in what is being billed as the gig of the year! To see pics of last nights festivities, go HERE