Dragonforce’s rhythm virtuoso Dave Mackintosh has taken time out of his hectic schedule to update us on the bands current UK tour once again. NOTTINGHAM!!!, 01/12/06 We all love rock city, it’s one of our favourite venues. Sold out, (as all of the shows thus far), some of my family and friends were there, it was awesome, wonderful sound, great people, and fantastic fans, we played the show to a packed hall, and we were going for it, fourth show for this tour, so were relaxing into the performances a little easier, it was a great set, very loud fans, (I could hear them over my monitors), I spent a lot of time during this set laughing, mainly due to the standup comedy provided by sam, (of course) zp and Herman, Fred spent a lot of time on the riser next to me, laughing, and generally putting me off with his usual jokes and making me piss myself! What a fun night, like I said always a good night in nottingham. One of the great things about rc, is the after show rock rooms, always a laugh! Didn’t go too hard out this night on the booze, for I feared for my liver lol! High point of the day? walking in on sam while he’s having a piss mid set. low point? as above. quote of the day? if it smells, don’t touch it. If you have any pictures from the tour, why not send them in? If they’re good enough we’ll post them up with a credit. You may even get a cheeky treat in the post. SEND A PIC