MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD ‘OUR LADY OF ANNIHILATION’ Out: October 4 Brooklyn quintet who mix the intensity and rage of their NYHC mentors (Agnostic Front, Cro-Mags) with the dark and depressing aesthetics of the likes of The Cure and Sisters Of Mercy. UK tour Sept 23rd í¢äåäóì Sept 29th. For fans of Hatebreed, Bleeding Through & As I Lay Dying. 1.The Great Red Shift 2.Collusionist 3.Quit Pattern 4.Growing Square Eyes 5.Your Picture Hung Itself. 6.Funeral Photography 7.Life During Wartime 8.It Runs In the Blood 9.So Typical My Heart (feat Lou Koller í¢äåäóì Sick Of It All). 10.Why Hyenas laugh 11.Closure. Bonus videos: ‘The Great Red Shift’ and ‘The Making Ofí¢äå_’