Check out this on-the-road DEVILDRIVER update from Dez. “So, Friday night was Big E’s in Edgerton, WI, where we headlined again…show was absolutely insane – massive pit, kids were literally going after one another…Before the show, the Machine Head guys had a bbq during the day, want to than them for that…and want to thank MH’s crew for working for us these past few nights. The show the next night was only about 2.5 hours away, Chicago. Absolutely sold out, and Machine Head made their return to the stage. Seemed like everyone was hanging out that night, even some Roadrunner folk came down. We’d like to thank House Of Blues for treating us so well, we’ll be back soon. Last night was Headliners in Louisville, KY… and to the fans there, you guys did great. After the show, we hung out for about 2 hours with everyone – autographs, pics, what have you. We have the day off today, and are currently on a 15-16 hour drive from KY to NJ, where we will be playing the Starland ballroom tomorrow night. ..currently in OHIO doing 65 down the 71. Most of the guys are asleep, so i’m watching Deep Blue Sea.” -Dez