So, it is good that Obituary are still around, no? Just posted: 2 new photos of the band in their PHOTO GALLERY. And, an little update direct from John Tardy himself… September 20, 2004 Things are going pretty smooth right now! It seems that the tour is falling into place nicely. All of the emails we have been getting have been nothing but positive about the upcoming shows in October. We thank everyone for all their support. Your emails and messages on the message board are so important for us to get a good understanding of what is happening. Please let us know anything you can about the shows near you. Good or bad it is important for us to be aware of what is going on. We have been going over the set list time and time again so we should be ready to go come the first show on the 8th in Holland. We do get their a day or so early so we will have a little time to hang out in Amsterdam and party down a little before we have to get to work. Maybe we will see some of you around the town. John Tardy Don’t forget, you can catch Obituary at the following shows (their only UK dates this year): October 19 – Bradford Rios October 20 – London Electric Ballroom