Tracey Wiedeman, Megadeth’s assistant tour manager has issued the following update on their recent string of European tour dates:
Hello MegaFans!
I have no idea where to begin with today’s journal entry. The UK/Europe leg overall was a fantastic trek. We feel very luck to have had the opportunity to visit so many beautiful countries such as Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Spain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Israel. The promoters, venues, Roadrunner reps and everyone involved were so kind to us along the way.
Every once in a while Dave would ask me what my favorite city had been so far and every time he asked me I couldn’t decide on an answer. Each city was so cool in so many different ways that there was no way to pick just one. However, at the end of the tour Dave asked me again if I had a favorite yet. As we talked about the different cities I made a comment that I wished we had just one more day in Israel. Then I thought…I think I finally found the answer…Israel was my favorite if I had to pick just one!
So then we started to talk about why Israel. Not only is it a beautiful country, the people were very polite and the food was delicious but we also got another very special treat. The day of the show, our host Yuri was our gracious tour guide and took Dave, James, our TM Wade and myself into Jerusalem. We only had a few hours and we all had so much work to do but we knew we just had to make time to make the trip.
I am so glad I did because I will never forget the intense feeling of placing my hand into the hole from the cross, or feeling the slab where Christ’s body was placed after the crucifixion followed by seeing his tomb. No matter what religion you may or may not be, there is nothing else like Jerusalem in the entire world and it’s amazing to see and feel such a dynamic city. One thing that I cannot help notice in all of our International travels is the passion in the fans. It is very obvious how much they appreciate us coming to visit them. I will never forget the comment “It’s like a live karaoke show out there!” that our Manager made when he came visit to visit us in the UK. It is absolutely true! There would be times at some of the festivals when our office/dressing room area would be a fairly good distance from the stage and while prepping for load out I would be able to hear the crowd crystal clear singing each and every word. It is amazing to witness the crowds going crazy and even more amazing for the band to experience on stage!
It is such an honor to be traveling with such a great group of guys. Every member of the band is extremely down to earth, family oriented, low maintenance and they all have a hilarious sense of humor.
One of my favorite dynamics of the band is the Drover brothers. We all are like family with one another but with actual brothers in the band, some of the exchanges are quite funny when you hear them calling each other “fathead” or “stupid” (in a loving manner of course!) or when one of them starts to tease the other and they turn to me and say, “You want a brother? He’s free!” We know with these two we never have to worry about confrontations, ill feelings, etc. Not that we have any of that taking place anyhow. Brotherly love is truly a powerful force! The three of us also get quite the enjoyment out of torturing Dave with blaring Rick James music from the back lounge on Glenn Drover’s iPod! Tee hee! Yes, in the words of Dave, I can be quite the “tart” sometimes! I can hear him saying, “You tart!” now. Ahhh, family!
James LoMenzo also offers a different kind of humor throughout our travels. Most of you are probably not aware of this but he has an alter ego of German decent that will keep you laughing for days upon days. I always think his daughter (who is also extremely talented) must get quite a kick hanging out with daddy when he’s home. James is also a very talented graphic artist and my thanks to James for not only being my Jager Bomb bartender on the bus at the end of the day but also for developing the official “MegaBlonde” logo!
However, if anyone will catch you off guard with funny comment after funny comment out of the blue, it is definitely Dave Mustaine. Everyone will be going along about their business and Dave will say something that catches me so off guard, it takes a minute to realize he just made a joke and I instantly have to stop what I am doing to bust out laughing. Often you will hear me say to him, “That was funny!” and he will say, “You like that one?!” Dave usually engages in such intellectual conversation that one of my favorite things about him is that he will bust out a funny comment at the end of a detailed conversation which instantly lightens the mood. It is also adorable listening to him speak to his family with his sense of humor and loving manner. One thing for sure, is that it is definitely hard to be in a bad mood around the band. They will instantly bring a smile to your face and laughter to your heart. There is nothing fake about them. They are purely genuine in all of their exchanges with everyone on and off the stage. What you see is what you get!
We want to take a moment to say thank you to each and every one of you who hosted us and helped us on this past UK/Europe leg. It is hard enough being away from home in the US but even harder when we conduct our international travels. Thank you to everyone for making us feel at home. We are looking forward to seeing all of our old friends and making more new friends on our killer tours yet to come!
Until then, don’t be surprised if you see me running around on Ozzfest! (And if you haven’t already…buy the new album United Abominations, damn it!)
You can buy Megadeth’s new album ‘United Abominations’ now!