Whatever you have planned for the next month, change it. ROAD RAGE 2005 is coming and you can’t afford to miss it. From May 1st – 18th, TRIVIUM, STILL REMAINS, & 3 INCHES OF BLOOD shall be unleashing fury on the UK. These bands are all cutting through now and if you catch them now, I guarantee you won’t regret it. All the bands are really excited about the Tour and are gointg to deliver a show to remember. Thoughts from TRIVIUM on the tour!!! “We leave Friday 4/29/05 for the United Kingdom for the European installment of the Roadrunner Records 25th Anniversary Road Rage Tour . The tour kicks off Sunday night May 1st at the WOLFRUN in Wolverhampton. We can’t wait to get over there and meet up the fans, the Roadrunner International staff and the UK Street Team & Road Crews – we know how hard you all have been working to help promote and support the bands and we look forward to having some fun and showing our appreciation for all of your support.’ m/-_-m/ Matt, Travis, Corey, Paolo If your still not convinced, why not check out the article in this weeks Kerrang! regarding the American ROAD RAGE tour. CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS ONLINE