When Chimaira were over here recently, we got chatting to Mark (singer), and Matt (guitarist) about how much you must get to know about someone, being on the road with them for so many days. So we thought we’d give them a little test… on just how much they know about eachother. Full Name Matt: Mark Hunter Mark: Matthew Van Buren DeVries Age Matt: 27 Mark: 27 Favourite Book Matt: The Art of Cooking Mark: The Dirt or The Art of Getting Drunk and Becoming Gay Favourite Movie Matt: The Shining Mark: Anything with Eric Stoltz Previous Jobs Matt: Bar / restaurant manager Mark: Bartender Most Embarrassing & Most Metal Albums Owned Matt: Tears For Fears and all Iron Maiden Albums (you decide which is which) Mark: Embarassing: Lostprophets (Cool guys í¢äåäóì not very metal at all) / Most Metal: Caveman Silliest Thing Done When Drunk Matt: Moshing at Machine Head show í¢äå_ last month Mark: Everyday he is drunk and everyday he is gay when he is drunk Soft Spot For Matt: Little boys Mark: Jim Little Known Fact Matt: Mark’s favourite band í¢äå_ Caveman Mark: Matt sweats catpiss What You Most Respect About Them Matt: I like it when he talks dirty to me in the Swedish he learns from Ricky Mark: His will to just say no!