It’s Halloween on Friday! And yes, that is why the site is orange & black this week, in case you were wondering. Normal colours will be resumed next week… So, what are you doing for Halloween? Do send us in any brilliant plans you have made, or tales of your nights afterwards. Who knows, we might post up the best and send you something for writing. Now, Chimaira, Ill Nino, and Spineshank, and no doubt quite a few of you, will be spending Halloween in Glasgow, at the Roadrage show at the Garage. We’re sure you’ll have a monstrously great evening. Be sure to wish Dave Chavarri of Ill Nino a Happy Birthday if you see him there. Machine Head on the other hand, will be spending Halloween in lovely Dublin, airing tunes from brilliant new album Through The Ashes Of Empires, and kicking off their European tour. Our lucky Dublin competition winner Steve White and his girlfriend Charlotte will be joining them, as will Roadrunner and our trusty camera. We’re sure it will be a night to remember!