Following on from last night’s London show, Soulfly move onto Wolverhampton tonight! Check out the Tour News for last night’s set list. While you wait for tonight’s show to kick off, learn a little more about Mikey Doling – formerly of Snot, and now Soulfly’s guitarist. Date of birth? Mikey: “1000 BC, July 3” Favourite tour story? Mikey: “Lots, lots, lots! But I will tell ya I like Holland!” [Mikey starts doodling plants…] Five words that describe you? Mikey: “Sleepy, fat, smelly, stoned. Dead sexy!!” One album you think everyone should own? Mikey: “Rated (R) – Queens Of The Stone Age.” Which famous person (dead or alive) would you invite over for dinner and why? Mikey: “Angus Young! Cause he’s the KING!” Best piece of advice you’ve been given? Mikey: “Shut up & listen.” If I wasn’t in this band, I would be… Mikey:“In another band!”