Extreme Philadelphians A Life Once Lost have recently released their awesome album HUNTER, if you don’t know what the band are about yet, check out the UNCUT video for VULTURE. A few weeks a go we were lucky enough to catch up with the band to find out a little more about them. Pt 1 comes coutesy of Bassist Nick Frasca. Name:Nick Frasca Age:24 Instrument:Bass, backing vocals Favourite record and why: Something Beatlesí¢äå_. Either Abbey Road or The White Album. If it wasn’t for my parents introducing me to good music at an early age, especially The Beatles, I’d probably be in the Right Said Fred fan club right now. If you weren’t a musician, what would you be?: Honestly, I’d be dead. Interesting fact: Two wordsí¢äå_. Penis Circus Best piece of advice you have ever heard? -Keep on keeping on -As long as you’re still kicking, they can’t bury you. Person you’d like to share a one on one with:Favourite track of your current album? Rehashed. It’s just so heavy. What do you hope people can take from the album? I hope they can appreciate it in the same way we do. And if your balls haven’t dropped yet, maybe this will help. A Life Once Lost – HUNTER – OUT NOW