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Definitely A doubleDrive Crowd

Posted on February 12, 2008

Word from Phil Kaso, in our office over in New York… “I just wanted to spread the word a bit…. Friday was doubleDrive in Hartford – we started out the day going to the PLANET OF SOUND studio where WCCC (the US rock station) was doing a live broadcast. The band Closure was on the air before we got there. doubleDrive got in, and were given free reign, the station told them they could do as many songs as they wanted! The band performed acoustic versions of “Imprint”, “Million People” and “Big Shove”, as well as parts of “Love Song” by Tesla and “Fade To Black” by Metallica. They were on the air for about an hour. Talking about Blue in the Face, the tour, etc. 12 stones was on after doubleDrive (they are the headliner of the tour) and they only did 1 song, and then Socialburn was on and they did 3 songs. The station was thrilled with doubleDrive’s performance. They said they thought that doubleDrive should be headlining the show, not 12 Stones! Then we were off the Webster theater. Closure was the first band on, and by my judgement – there was about 400 kids in the venue for them, and they got a decent reception. Next up was DoubleDrive was on. I’d say there was a good 600+ people there for them (by my eyeballing the crowd). The crowd went NUTS for doubleDrive . This was their second time thru Hartford, they had played the WCCC Rock Expo back in April on the 19th. There was a huge mosh pit for “Inside Out”. WHen the band played “Imprint” the crowd was singing along, and at the end of the song, the band even stopped singing, and let the crowd sing alone. ….it was very cool! The band later told me that was one of the best reactions they have had yet! And they will be going back to Hartford on June 29 for a benefit show. And when doubleDrive was done, the crowd emptied out -I’d say that Socialburn & 12 Stones only played to about 300-400 people. It was definately a doubleDrive crowd. Just wanted to let you know what’s going on out there.” Hey Phil, thanks for the line.


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