Our second review in of the London show, and we have to agree, a belter of a night it was. Even Chimaira said after the show, it was one of the best, if not the best, show they have ever played. And so here is George Thompson’s review… thanks for writing in George! “ETID – Fucking amazing! Played a great set and I really enjoyed them. It was a sort of Poison The Well… Stampin’ Ground were ok, got a bit bored as it all sounded the same. Chimaira – Any one who was there will agree that they tore the place down. People were jumping from the balconys and it was so fucking cool. Ricky’s drum solo kicked ASS. My fave songs of the night were Let Go, Cleansation, and Pure Hatred. Bit disapinted with the lack of Down Again but you can’t have everything! The highlights of my night were meeting the bands and getting a used Chimaira drumstick!!”