Calling all ghouls and boils! Wednesday 13 (vocals, Murderdolls) is returning to sink his fangs into the rock world’s throat once again with the ‘April Ghouls’ tour í¢äåäóì the London date naturally falling on Wednesday 13! Catch the creepy quartet (Wednesday 13, Pig, Kid Kid, and Ghastly) from dusk til dawn at the following locations: APRIL Mon 11 í¢äåäóì MANCHESTER Academy 3 Tue 12 í¢äåäóì BRIGHTON Concorde 2 Wed 13 í¢äåäóì LONDON Islington Academy Thu 14 í¢äåäóì BIRMINGHAM Academy Fri 15 í¢äåäóì GLASGOW Cathouse Sat 16 í¢äåäóì NOTTINGHAM Rock City Tickets are on sale now from all usual box offices and online agents, priced í£9 regionally, í£11 London. All shows are for ages 14+. With Murderdolls compatriot Joey Jordison on the road with Slipknot, the Murderdolls are temporarily on hiatus! What’s a ghoul to do, besides stroke the disc for the recently certified Silver debut Murderdolls album? Why write more songs of course! And so to coincide with the tour, Roadrunner Records will be releasing Wednesday 13’s spooktacular debut solo album on April 11. True to form, Wednesday has stitched together a morgue-full of influences í¢äåäóì horror films, cartoons, punk and heavy metal í¢äåäóì into a monster-mosh of an album, ‘Transylvania 90210: Songs of Death, Dying and the Dead’. Fans of White Zombie, Rob Zombie, AFI, Alkaline Trio, & The Murderdolls, as well as metal, punk, and horror in general will find the record at once refreshing and outrageous. With his sallow complexion and raven dreadlocks, Wednesday may look like a grim goth at first glance, but the singer/guitarist is more a throwback to the days of Alice Cooper and Twisted Sister, when rock music had no more pretentious aspirations than being over-the-top, escapist fun. With song titles like ‘I Walked With A Zombie’, ‘Elect Death For President’, and ‘I Want Youí¢äå_ Dead’, Wednesday 13 is set to take over the world, one brain at a timeí¢äå_ Wednesday 13 debut album ‘Transylvania 90210: Songs Of Death, Dying, And The Dead’ in stores April 11.