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Posted on February 12, 2008

A poem by K.Lane, to celebrate 3 Inches Of Blood’s forh coming UK tour with Himsa this December. í‰Œæ ‘Twas two weeks before Christmas, and all through the land 3 INCHES OF BLOOD fans were dreaming of the band. Black studded wristbands ready and polished with care Excited that six tour dates were about to be there. 퉌æ Metalheads pictured being snug in the pit With visions of water bottles and showerings of spit. My schedule complete, having turned off the Mac I’d just settled down for a long playing track. 퉌æ When out in the front I heard such a clatter I busted my ass to see what was the matter. I ran to the window to see what was there And what I saw out there straightened my hair. 퉌æ The moon on the breast of the uncaring snow Threw ominous shadows on objects below. Was the vision I saw a delusion from Xanax? Six brawny warriors wielding guitars, drums, and axes. 퉌æ With a gaunt, shrouded driver, who filled me with fear And eight skeletal creatures that might have been deer. To perform in our towns, they announced they came Then Cam snarled, and he shouted, and called them by name: 퉌æ í¢ä‰åñTo Newport! To Norwich! Aberdeen and to Leeds! To Manchester and London with our trusty steeds! We’ll play Destroy The Orcs! And Axes Of Evil! Wykydtron! Balls Of Ice! Prepare to thrill!í¢ä‰åŒ 퉌æ As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky So up to the roof-top the courses they flew, With the sleigh full of kit, and St. Cam Pipes too. 퉌æ And then, even more rock, I heard on the roof The clicking and scratching of each bonewhite hoof. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney did come St. Cam Pipes with a bound. 퉌æ He was dressed all in black from his head to his toe, And a chain ran from his shoulder to regions below. A patched denim jacket was flung on his back, And he looked like a heretic freed from the rack. 퉌æ His eyes, how they flashed! His smile, full of cheer. He staggered right in, and his breath smelled of beer He gripped my hand displaying wristbands of spikes – And the rest of the band was attired alike. 퉌æ A portable mike he held tight in his hand As he and Jamie bellowed metal at the band, Alexei bangin’ like a madman possessed, Justin, Shane, and Brian shredding like men blessed. 퉌æ The band played so loud, albums fell from my shelf, Metal so mighty, almost bad for your health. Announcing Himsa their touring companions to be, December’s UK tour will be a must see.퉌æ 퉌æ They did but one song and went straight to their task, Left some ‘Advance And Vanquish’ merch before I could ask. Then Cam raised his axe, and his elbow he bent, And with a loud crash, through the ceiling they went. 퉌æ They sprang to the tour-sleigh and let out a shout And away they went to rock ’til folks passed out Until ‘The Phantom Of The Crimson Cloak’ comes in sight Go see 3IOB í¢ä‰åäóì it will be a good night! 퉌æ Catch the Canadian battle metallers with Himsa at these dates: Thu퉌æ8th Dec – NEWPORT City Live Arena Fri퉌æ9th Dec – NORWICH The Ferry Boat Sat 10th Dec – ABERDEEN Moshulu 퉌æ퉌æ Sun퉌æ11th Dec – LEEDS The Cockpit Mon퉌æ12th Dec – MANCHESTER Jilly’s Rockworld Tue퉌æ13th Dec – LONDON Underworld REMEMBER: 3 INCHES OF BLOOD – ADVANCE & VANQUISH – OUT NOW


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