Orc slaying legends, 3 Inches Of Blood are currently on tour with Himsa in the UK. We managed to catch up with the band to get a quick update on the tour so far.
09/12/05 Norwich, UK – The Ferry Boat After an incredibly annoying drive made worse by watching some ridiculous piece of cinematic bullshit, í¢äåñStraw Dogs” we arrived at the Ferry Boat. A tiny venue decorated in dingy sailor motif. Complete with anchors, rope, and netting…AHOY! By tiny I mean I actually had to keep my head down to get across the stage and the show floor. The show stared out as a bit of a cluster fuck in that the opening bands were late and consequently the sound guy was a little angry. Once the show was under way things were as they always are…smokey, friends sharing beers and loud conversations, amatuer DJ’s doing their best on the jukebox and in the distance a band trying to motivate their friends to “move it”. I tried to watch Himsa, but when I made it back into the showroom (with beams level with my forehead) the room was so packed and I could barely make out the banging heads on stage through the bobbing heads in the crowd…it was packed! After Himsa crushed everyone the disorder returns when one of the tardy openers finally shows and starts to set up. Everyone was under the impression that 3 Inches was next and there was a bit of confusion, but hey…more time for beers, right? We were told they were only playing for 15 minutes and a little over a half of an hour later they finished playing…that’s hardcore for ya. When we got to the stage it was quite the opposite of Newport. The place was packed like a can of sardines and hot as a Georgia summer. We carefully arranged ourselves on the stage between the random poles, low beam and searing lights. Our guitars were instantly covered in sweat due to the humidity of the room. Once we started the room was on fire! Sweat was flying everywhere, from our heads to the crowd, from the crowd to us and it streamed down the walls as the army of metal maniacs raged on. When we stopped to tune or try to catch our breath the crowd was very vocal in their enthusiasm and I recall at least one man with a sword. We pushed on violently through the suffocating heat with smiles on our faces all wondering if we were gonna pass out or puke. Luckily none of these things happened (on stage) we made to Deadly Sinners at top speed and throttled up to end the night with everything we had left. The show is over, the crowd wanted more, steam is now rushing in through an open door…what a show. You have gotta love the small shows for times like this…it is something you can’t get anywhere else.